Pieter Wuille and Tim Ruffing - Schnorr, multi-sig, MuSig, FROST (part 1)

Pieter Wuille and Tim Ruffing treat us to a conversation about Schnorr, multi-signatures, MuSig, and more. We covered a lot so this is part one of a two part conversation.


We discussed:

  • When to roll your own cryptography (01:31)
  • Schnorr Signatures (09:01)
    • Why is Schnorr preferable to ECDSA? (10:55)
  • Schnorr efficiency improvements (15:52)
  • Multisigs (23:16)
  • MuSig (25:07)
  • Interactive versus non-interactive protocols (35:30)
  • FROST (42:42)